Aug 26, 2008

The Portuguese Experience

A small cool friendly group from Portugal that I've guided in the nearby Meknes. later in Fez, Chefchaouen and to the exotic area of the National Park of Tlassemtane!

Aug 13, 2008

the French Experience

A friendly picture with a group of French tourists, mixed with some others from different countries, at the end of my guiding tour around the Roman Ruins of Volubilis.

The Japanese experience

It was another great opportunity to meet this Japenese couple whose eager to know about Morocco was endless!
Wallace, a lawyer, who travels all the way along to Morocco with his wife, yunion ( a lawyer too), to discover the vast cultural component in the four Imperial cities ( Fez, Rabat, Marakesch, and Meknes)

In The Kasbah

Sitting with Chantelle and Marko after having a yummy meal in Kasbah.
Chantelle said it was better if we had a Safari trip instead of one-day excursion!