Oct 23, 2008

Ame Aventure 2

As every Tour Guide believes, there's always something you can experience with a group whose enthusiasm hasn't found a fence yet! I had my unflagging zeal doubled once I saw there's a great volition from this group to know more about what they were visiting! I have noticed some members jotting down every single piece of information to be well noted and later to be discussed! I was quite amazed to observe such things while I was explaining most of Sultan's grandiose achievements. Therefore, I spilled the beans and I revealed some facts about the past of The Forth Imperial City of Meknes under the reign of King Ismail. A late evening visit to the first part of Medina; the public square of Lehdim is crowded with localers. Snake charmers, story tellers, and acrobats ... these are what attracted hundreds of people to get entertained after the burden of the whole day work! Meknes, as the rest of Moroccan cities, in late evenings are becoming just more different from the morning brand to show how lively Moroccans are! I thank you for the picture, and special gratitude for the Ame Aventure Agency to again trust my qualities!

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