Jan 17, 2008


Azrou: according to what the map showed me, azrou is not that far if you want to arrive there, just some few minutes walking by the side of road N 13 southern Meknes. The thing that seemed funny and disappointing was when we saw a road panel direction that indicated 13 Km left to reach Azrou, and we were supposed to be there by noon. Therefore we were hitchhiking while walking at the same time. Luckily a country man with a lorry full of “Berbers” picked us up; it was then exciting to have long conversation with country men who normally seem nice, trustworthy, and helpful. We snapped pictures when we were crossed by Ben Smime Town. 27 minutes on a road ride till we finally arrive to Azrou City. Azrou is a very friendly small town, mostly full of Berbers as original inhabitants who spend their evenings sitting in cafes and speaking the local Amazigh dialect. As far as I have noticed, men supposed to be in large numbers than women, as if women are still the passive elements of Berber societies. We overwhelmingly found a youth Hostel after we had got lost. Took some rests and then moved to the Southern of Azrou.

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