Jan 17, 2008

Immouzzer of Kandar

Immouzer: after I have had a very interesting time with my companion colleague during this trip, we both decided to move deeper into the North. We ordered a taxi to Immouzzer to expect another trekking trip different from the one we previously had. During the road trip, everything seems different from what we used to see: little by little the snowy edged Mountains disappear, no Cedar Forests, lack of lakes and cascades, but importantly the full of mountain caves, mostly known as Grottos. The thing that sounds crazy is when we asked people to show us where we could find rides to Immouzer of Kandar. All of them tell us, there is no place called Immouzzer of Kandar but only this one which is Immouzzer as most of people call it. Unquestionably we start to locate where this small village is on map, and then we walked east towards the mountains in the offchance to find what we are coming for. I can not tell you how extremely rough to climb this mountain up, full of trees, muddy ground due of the recent heavy rain, and dangerous brinks, but such these things were already listed in this trekking trip to expect. After more than 40 minutes of walking up we reached a very vast space on top of the mountain; we rested and took our travelling breakfast meal with the sound of different birds and the windy long trees. Suddenly a country Berber man appears, my colleague talked with him in Amazigh, and he advised us to get back from where we first came from, and take a ride in there to Immouzzer of Kandar. At least there is a man who believes there is a place called Immouzzer of Kandar. We followed him till we find the place where we should have a ride. The Town of Immouzzer to Immouzzer of Kandar: on a pick-up ride over the massive cloudy mountains of the Northern east Atlas, we’ve finally reached Immouzzer of Kandar. Luckily we met a very nice guy who willingly accompanied us to the place where there are grottos along side the mountains. The thing I can simply tell you about this place is the fact that natural resources are very hard to find. Real nature, simple and very few inhabitants, and kind and helpful people make this place like a very peaceful nest. Kids were extremely happy to see us and especially when I start snapping pictures for them.

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